Barrister Salam & Associates is a full-service law firm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, having 20 years of experience in litigation, arbitration and corporate matters.

The firm’s arbitration practice covers cross-border commercial, employment, construction, and real-estate disputes. The practice leverages a highly skilled English-trained team of Barristers to provide cutting-edge representation to clients in some of the highest stakes matters in the country.
Over the last decade the firm has seen rapid growth in its commercial disputes and arbitration practice mainly because of greater use of arbitration clauses in construction contracts and mandatory arbitration in real estate development disputes in the jurisdiction. The firm’s lawyers have acted as counsel in several arbitrations and commercial litigation matters over the past year.
Also prominent is the firm’s debt recovery and insolvency litigation practice. The firm acts both for banks and financially distressed companies in proceedings in and arising out of the specialised Money Loan Court. Mahbub & Company is the leading name in this sector.
In the past year, the firm has adopted tech to accommodate the new normal. The firm is greatly reliant on tech-based telecommunication, billing, and cloud storage. This ensures speedy delivery of work and staying in constant touch with the client. Previously the communication which used to happen over an email now extends to video conference calls, for which, the clients are more connected to the firm. We have also used WhatsApp groups as an alternative to email chains where the work is time sensitive and requires constant back and forth. As such, the firm has received appreciations from primarily foreign clients for speedy service and ease of communication.
Moreover, the firm strives to be an equal opportunity employer. The firm has either team members or closely working people from almost all religions. Two-thirds of the firm’s recruitment in the past year has been women. We believe this has worked in providing a better impression of ourselves with clients, who also have diverse teams that interact with us. We believe we are now more relatable, and we can build better human connections.